*English Civil War around 1600 resulted in persecution of Puritans, so Puritans emigrated.
1.Virginia-Purpose, problems, failures, successes
Virginia was form by the Virginia Company as a profit-earning venture.About 90% died with in the first year mainly because
of starvation. The Virginia Company went bankrupt. The Virginia did not brcome successful until the colonists started
raising and exporting tabacco.
2.Plymouth- Pilgrims (puritans separatists or congregationalist) but instead they had landed in Massachusetts.
3.Connecticut- Broke from the Manssachusetts colony government ( Thomas Hooker and his congregation Hooker). Recognized
as a colony and given royal charter.
4.Rhode Island- Obtained royal charter. The only American colony with complete religious freedom.
5.Maine- Separated from Massachusetts by the council of New England.
6.New Hampshire- Recognized as a colony. King Phillip's war (John Mason was governor).
7.Maryland - Established for catholics, proprietary. Founded by George Calvert. Religion established religious freedom.
8.Carolinas- Charles 2nd use this land to pay off dept to some supporters. Grew rich off its ties to sugar island. The
colony was being split into the North and South Carolina because of conflicts.
9.New York- Belonged to the Dutch. Intil the British took it. Charles 2nd gave New York to his brother. The Southern
region had ties to sugar island. There were conflicts between the two.
10.New Jersey- Declared a separate colony.
11.Pennsylvania- Religious freedom, no church heirarchy. No one lived in Pennsylvania. Also allowed counties to form
new colonies (Penn found a colony for Quakers).
12.Delaware- Broke away from Pennsylvania.